Medium-Rare Steak Cooking Guide
If you desire the juicy flavor of a rare steak but want a slightly firmer texture, then a medium-rare steak temp is going to be your best bet.
Follow these tips for raving reviews on your next medium-rare steak.
Medium-Rare Steak Temp
Even when the steak is off the grill, it will keep cooking for a bit. With that in mind, you’ll want to pull the steak off the heat BEFORE it reaches your desired internal temperature.
For a medium-rare steak, cook it on medium heat for 5 minutes on the first side and 4-5 minutes on the other side. NOTE: these times for a steak that’s 1” thick.
Remove your steak from the heat at 125°F. Your steak is officially medium-rare when it reaches 130°F.

Medium-Rare Steak Doneness
Give your medium-rare steak the touch test! Simply touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your middle finger. Now, with your other hand, press into the meaty part of your thumb.
Compare the firmness of your thumb to the firmness of your steak. If there’s a close match, then it’s probably medium-rare.
For the safest reading, be sure to measure with an internal thermometer.
You’ll find that the center of a medium-rare steak is a warm red color.
Medium-Rare Steak Cooking Tips
Done properly, any steak is juicy. However, rare and medium-rare steaks are the juiciest. You’ll want to let any steak rest for 5-10 minutes after a cook, but it’s especially important with rare and medium-rare steaks. This will allow all those juices that you’re trying to keep around to redistribute throughout the steak and make each bite more flavorful.
Ready to try your hand at a medium-rare steak? Pick up a cut for yourself.