A Guide to Cooking Medium-Well Steak
Take it a step beyond well-done to give your guests a slightly more pink and juicier cut.
Follow these tips to serve up a most delicious medium-well steak.
Medium-Well Steak Temperatures
Even when the steak is off the grill, that cut is going to keep cooking for a bit. With that in mind, you’ll want to pull the steak off the heat BEFORE it reaches your desired internal temperature.
For a medium-well steak, cook it on medium heat for 5 minutes on the first side and 5 minutes on the other side. NOTE: these times for a steak that’s 1” thick.
Remove your steak from the heat at 150°F.
Your steak is officially medium-well when it reaches 155°F.

Medium-Well Steak Health Doneness
Give your medium-well steak the touch test! Simply touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your ring finger. Now, with your other hand, press into the meaty part of your thumb.
Compare the firmness of your thumb to the firmness of your steak. If there’s a close match, then it’s probably medium-well.
NOTE: Medium and Medium-Well share the same firmness reference for this test.
For the safest reading, be sure to measure with an internal thermometer.
You’ll find that the center of a medium-well steak is mostly brown with touches of pink.
Medium-Well Steak Cooking Tips
If you’re using a pan to heat your medium-well steak, be careful not to overcrowd it. Having too many steaks in one pan can lower the overall temperature of your cook. The medium-well steak is all about timing, and an underheated pan can extend (and confuse) the length of cook time.
Ready to try your hand at a medium-well steak? Pick up a cut for yourself.